The musical works produced by HIBOU Music can be downloaded on this web site in order for you to use them to illustrate your audiovisual productions ( TV - Radio - Films - Advertising - Multimedia, ...).
However, we wish to remind that prior to any performance and/or reproduction of your audiovisual works containing musical works produced by HIBOU Music, you must be granted an authorisation by the partners of HIBOU Music in your country: click here to find your PARTNERS IN THE WORLD
For commercial use, for TV, Radio, Advertising, Film, YouTube and for Online music, to use HIBOU MUSIC LIBRARY, you have to pay performance rights (royalties). You must give us the destination of the songs you want to use and the duration of each music for your Invoice - Authorization. The rate is different for Radio or TV, or Film and Short Film, for Internet and YouTube... Commercial and non-Commercial Broadcast:
For France: contact us.
For other countries: PARTNERS IN THE WORLD
Moreover, you acknowledge that you must inform the Authors societies and the Partner of HIBOU Music in your country any new usage of your audiovisual works containing musical works produced by HIBOU Music.
Concerning musical works illustrating commercial movies, and to facilitate the collection of the Authors and publishers rights from the broadcasters, you commit yourself to provide to the Partner of HIBOU Music in your country with a copy of each registration form together with a copy of the Media Planning expressively mentioning the title of the commercial movie, its duration and its territory of exploitation.
You also commit yourself to provide to the Partner of HIBOU Music in your country, as from the 1st performance of each commercial movie, with a copy of a carrier (VHS, etc...) reproducing all versions of the commercial movies which contain musical works belonging to HIBOU Music catalogue.
As far as long or short duration movies, documentaries and other audiovisual products are concerned, you commit yourself to provide to the Partner of HIBOU Music in your country : click here to find your: PARTNERS IN THE WORLD, with the list of musical works used as well as the names of the Authors, the duration (cue sheet), under the form of an attestation signed by the silent partner of the production company.
For all audiovisual production reproduced on any media known and unknown and in particular on : DVD, video tapes, HD-DVD, Blue-Ray, Streaming... you commit yourself to be granted all necessary authorisations from the Authors Society of your country and to provide to the Partner of HIBOU Music in your country with a statement confirming that copyrights have been paid to the Authors Societies.
In case the audiovisual productions are used in foreign countries, you commit yourself to provide to the Partner of HIBOU Music in your country with the titles under which the movies, documentaries and/or commercial movies have been exploited in each country.
Moreover, you commit yourself to respect the moral right of the Author and the performing artist and in particular the right to be named. The titles of the musical works used in movies, documentaries or in any other audiovisual production will have to be mentioned in the credit titles.